What do I do if I get sick while I’m in Australia?

As an international student or worker living in Australia, the thought of falling ill can be daunting. Who do you call? Should you be worried about bills or payments? What to you need to take with you when you visit the doctor?

Although Australia’s health system may be like the one in your country, it’s likely there will be some differences. Australia’s health system is made up of two parts, public and private.

The public health sector is run by the state and federal government and is funded through taxes. On the other hand, the private health system consists of privately run hospitals, insurance companies and providers, including general practitioners (GPs), specialists, allied health workers and dentists. 

To help you get the care you need when you need it, we’ve put together this handy guide on accessing the Australian healthcare system. Read on to find out what to do when you’re sick in Australia.  

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